Getting Started with the Baseflow Toolbox



Baseflow recession analysis is a set of methods in hydrologic science that aim to estimate unobservable aquifer properties, such as hydraulic conductivity, from readily available streamflow records. This toolbox provides high-level MATLAB APIs that standardize the process of conducting baseflow recession analysis using daily streamflow data. The methods implemented in this toolbox are based on solutions to the one-dimensional groundwater flow equation and are intended primarily for application to shallow, unconfined riparian aquifers discharging subsurface flow into adjacent stream channels.


Clone or fork the repository on Github.


Place all files and folders in their own folder (e.g. baseflow) and then add that folder to the Matlab search path. Alternatively, run the included Setup.m installation function:

Setup('install') % for an initial install.

In subsequent sessions:

Setup('addpath') % or just Setup(), to add all toolbox paths to the search path.

System Requirements

This toolbox depends on the following Mathworks products:

Accessing Help

Need help? To see a list of toolbox functions, at the command window type:

doc +baseflow

To see the complete toolbox documentation in the MATLAB Help browser, type:

To see the documentation for a specific function, type:'function_name')

where function_name is the name of a toolbox function. For example,'getevents') opens the help page for getevents in the Help browser. Use tab-completion to see the full menu of documented toolbox functions.

Toolbox documentation can also be accessed by typing doc() without any arguments to open the Help browser, then navigate to the documentation home page, scroll down to Supplemental Software at the bottom of the page, and click on Baseflow Recession Analysis Toolbox.

Toolbox Features

The toolbox supports three main features:

  1. Baseflow recession event-detection.
  2. Baseflow recession curve-fitting.
  3. Aquifer property estimation.

These features are exposed to the user by three APIs (high-level matlab functions that simplify toolbox use):

  1. baseflow.getevents Detect recession events from daily streamflow timeseries.
  2. baseflow.fitevents Curve-fit all events detected by getevents.
  3. baseflow.globalfit Distribution-fit all parameters estimated with fitevents.

The toolbox supports two user-interfaces for passing inputs to these APIs:

  1. Name-value parameter pairs passed directly to the functions.
  2. An options struct created by baseflow.setopts().

Both of these user-interfaces are demonstrated in the example live-scripts in the demos folder.

API Specification

The API specification for the toolbox is defined below and is also defined in the setopts function documentation.

API specification for getevents:

   qmin        :  (numeric scalar) Minimum flow value, below which values are set nan [m3/d]. Default = 1.
   nmin        :  (numeric scalar) Minimum event length. Events with fewer than nmin data values are ignored [#]. Default = 4;
   fmax        :  (numeric scalar) Maximum # of missing flow values gap-filled prior to fitting [#]. Default = 1.
   rmax        :  (numeric scalar) Maximum run-length of sequential constant values, above which an event is ignored [#]. Default = 2.
   rmin        :  (numeric scalar) Maximum allowable rainfall, above which corresponding flow values are set nan. [mm/d]. Default = 1.
   cmax        :  (numeric scalar) Maximum run of sequential convex dQ/dt values, above which flow values are set nan (true) or not (false). Default = 2.
   rmconvex    :  (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to remove convex derivatives (true) or not (false). Default = false.
   rmnochange  :  (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to remove consecutive constant derivates(true) or not( false). Default = true.
   rmrain      :  (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to remove flow values on days with rainfall>rmin (true) or not (false). Default = true.
   pickevents  :  (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to manually pick events (true) or use automated detection (false). Default = false.
   plotevents  :  (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to plot picked events. Default = false.
   asannual    :  (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to detect events on an annual basis. Set true if pickevents true. Default = false.

API specification for fitevents:

   derivmethod    : (char) derivative (dQ/dt) method. Default = 'ETS'.
   fitmethod      : (char) -dQ/dt = aQb fitting method. Default = 'nls'.
   fitorder       : (numeric scalar) fitting order (value of exponent b) [-]. Default = NaN.
   pickfits       : (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to pick fits manually. Default = false.
   pickmethod     : (char) Method to fit picks manually. Default = 'none'.
   plotfits       : (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to plot the fits. Default = false.
   savefitplots   : (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to save plots of fits. Default = false.
   etsparam       : (numeric scalar) Min flow length parameter for ETS algorithm [-]. Default = 0.2.
   vtsparam       : (numeric scalar) Min flow length parameter for VTS algorithm [-]. Default = 1.0.
   drainagearea   : (numeric scalar) Drainage area upstream of streamflow gauge [m2]. Default = NaN.
   gageID         : (char) Station name or ID. Default = none.

API specification for globalfit:

     drainagearea      : (numeric scalar) Drainage area upstream of streamflow gauge [m2]. Default = NaN.
     drainagedensity   : (numeric scalar) Drainage density = streamlength/drainagearea [km-1]. Default = 0.8.
     aquiferdepth      : (numeric scalar) Reference aquifer thickness [m]. Default = NaN.
     streamlength      : (numeric scalar) Effective channel length [m]. Default = NaN.
     aquiferslope      : (numeric scalar) Effective aquifer slope [-]. Default = 0.0.
     aquiferbreadth    : (numeric scalar) Distance from channel to catchment divide [m]. Default = NaN.
     drainableporosity : (numeric scalar) Drainable porosity [-]. Default = 0.1.
     isflat            : (logical scalar) Flag indicating true or false. Default = true.
     plotfits          : (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to plot the various global fits. Default = false.
     bootfit           : (logical scalar) Flag indicating whether to bootstrap the uncertainties. Default = false.
     bootreps          : (numeric scalar) Number of reps for bootstrapping. Default = 1000.
     phimethod         : (char) Method used to fit drainable porosity. Default = 'pointcloud'.
     refqtls           : (numeric vector) Quantiles of Q and -dQ/dt for early/late reference lines (units: N/A). Default = [0.50 0.50].
     earlyqtls         : (numeric vector) Quantiles of Q and -dQ/dt for early reference lines (units: N/A). Default = [0.95 0.95].
     lateqtls          : (numeric vector) Quantiles of Q and -dQ/dt for late reference lines (units: N/A). Default = [0.50 0.50].

Toolbox Functions

Most baseflow workflows will revolve around calls to the three primary APIs described above, which implement the underlying methods of baseflow recession analysis by calling both public and private toolbox functions. These functions are described below, organized around the three main toolbox features: event-detection, event-scale curve fitting, and population-scale distribution fitting.

Event-detection is the process of identifying periods of declining flow in streamflow timeseries, known as "recession events". Curve-fitting refers to parameter estimation from individual recession events. Aquifer properties can be estimated from individual recession event parameters, or from distribution fits to parameter samples estimated from many events, depending on data availability and the intended application.

Functions that support event detection:

Functions that support aquifer-property estimation:

Functions that support distribution fitting:

Functions that support aquifer-property change detection:

Functions used for visualization:

Functions that simplify routine tasks:

Functions that support toolbox management:

Toolbox Structure

All user accessible and documented functions in this toolbox are defined inside the +baseflow namespace package. This avoids naming conflicts with built-in or user-defined matlab functions. Functions inside +baseflow/private are available only to functions in the parent +baseflow folder and are not meant to be called by users. Functions inside the +baseflow/+deps folder are third-party dependencies and are not meant to be called by users.

+baseflow/ - The package, with all documented, user accessible functions.
   +deps/ - Third-party functions called by package functions.
   +internal/ - Internal toolbox functions.
   +sym/ - Symbolic functions accessible to users.
   private/ - Undocumented private methods not accessible to users.
data/ - Example datasets.
demos/ - Example live scripts.
docs/ - Documentation.
functionSignatures.json - function signatures to enable auto-completion.
Setup.m - user-facing installation function.

Authors & Sources

The code was written by Matt Cooper (<>). The exponential time step method implementation was inspired by Clement Roques' exponential time step matlab code (available on request from Clement). The underlying theory is based on idealized solutions to the one-dimensional (lateral) groundwater flow equation ("Boussinesq equation"). Details can be found in the following papers:


The Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments (InteRFACE) project funded this work through the United States Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) program. Awarded under contract grant # 89233218CNA000001 to Triad National Security, LLC (“Triad”).